Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the INTERSKOL factory.

Export of Products

Export of INTERSKOL products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All INTERSKOL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant INTERSKOL: drills, screwdrivers, grinders, hair dryers, mixers, saws, drills, lawn mowers, welding machines, generators, snow plows
  • High pressure installations INTERSKOL
    High pressure installations
    5H, 10H, 5E, 5P, etc.
  • Snow plows and heat guns INTERSKOL
    Snow plows and heat guns
    TPG, TPE, SMB, etc.
  • Knitting machines INTERSKOL
    Knitting machines
    MV-40, etc.
  • Power plants INTERSKOL
    Power plants
    EB, EBG, etc.
  • Compressors INTERSKOL
    KV, KVB, etc.
  • Welding equipment INTERSKOL
    Welding equipment
    ISA, ISP, MS, etc.
  • Car washes INTERSKOL
    Car washes
    AM100, AM110, AM120, etc.
  • Drills INTERSKOL
    D-10, D-11, D-13, DU-22, etc.
  • Screwdrivers and screwdrivers INTERSKOL
    Screwdrivers and screwdrivers
    DSH, YES, Sh, OA, etc.
  • The train. and polishes. cars INTERSKOL
    The train. and polishes. cars
    USM, UPM, LSHM, PSHM, etc.
  • Lawn mowers and brushcutters INTERSKOL
    Lawn mowers and brushcutters
    KRE, FEM, GKE, KB, etc.
  • Jackhammers INTERSKOL
    M-10, M-12, M-25, M-30, etc.
  • Punchers INTERSKOL
    PA-10, P-18, P-35, etc.
  • Measuring equipment INTERSKOL
    Measuring equipment
    LD, UD, UPI, ED, etc.
  • Construction hair dryers INTERSKOL
    Construction hair dryers
    FE-2000E, FE-2000ED, etc.
  • Construction Mixers INTERSKOL
    Construction Mixers
    KM-60/1000E, etc.
  • Saws and cutting tools INTERSKOL
    Saws and cutting tools
    MP, NP, NV, PD, DP, etc.
  • Planing tool INTERSKOL
    Planing tool
    P-82, P-110, SS-1000, etc.
  • Machines INTERSKOL
    DPN-250, RS-330, SO-150, etc.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaners INTERSKOL
    Industrial vacuum cleaners
    PU-20, PU-30, PU-32, PU-45, etc.


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