Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Jackhammers are power tools for destroying solid materials, dismantling structures, chiseling openings and niches. Suitable for work on concrete (including reinforced concrete), asphalt, brick and masonry, frozen ground.


All INTERSKOL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant INTERSKOL: drills, screwdrivers, grinders, hair dryers, mixers, saws, drills, lawn mowers, welding machines, generators, snow plows
  • High pressure installations INTERSKOL
    High pressure installations
    5H, 10H, 5E, 5P, etc.
  • Snow plows and heat guns INTERSKOL
    Snow plows and heat guns
    TPG, TPE, SMB, etc.
  • Knitting machines INTERSKOL
    Knitting machines
    MV-40, etc.
  • Power plants INTERSKOL
    Power plants
    EB, EBG, etc.
  • Compressors INTERSKOL
    KV, KVB, etc.
  • Welding equipment INTERSKOL
    Welding equipment
    ISA, ISP, MS, etc.
  • Car washes INTERSKOL
    Car washes
    AM100, AM110, AM120, etc.
  • Drills INTERSKOL
    D-10, D-11, D-13, DU-22, etc.
  • Screwdrivers and screwdrivers INTERSKOL
    Screwdrivers and screwdrivers
    DSH, YES, Sh, OA, etc.
  • The train. and polishes. cars INTERSKOL
    The train. and polishes. cars
    USM, UPM, LSHM, PSHM, etc.
  • Lawn mowers and brushcutters INTERSKOL
    Lawn mowers and brushcutters
    KRE, FEM, GKE, KB, etc.
  • Jackhammers INTERSKOL
    M-10, M-12, M-25, M-30, etc.
  • Punchers INTERSKOL
    PA-10, P-18, P-35, etc.
  • Measuring equipment INTERSKOL
    Measuring equipment
    LD, UD, UPI, ED, etc.
  • Construction hair dryers INTERSKOL
    Construction hair dryers
    FE-2000E, FE-2000ED, etc.
  • Construction Mixers INTERSKOL
    Construction Mixers
    KM-60/1000E, etc.
  • Saws and cutting tools INTERSKOL
    Saws and cutting tools
    MP, NP, NV, PD, DP, etc.
  • Planing tool INTERSKOL
    Planing tool
    P-82, P-110, SS-1000, etc.
  • Machines INTERSKOL
    DPN-250, RS-330, SO-150, etc.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaners INTERSKOL
    Industrial vacuum cleaners
    PU-20, PU-30, PU-32, PU-45, etc.


The company INTERSKOL (Khimki) - the leader of the Russian market of power tools and small-scale mechanization, is one of the ten largest global manufacturers specializing in this industry.
  • warranty

    The company confirms the high quality and reliability of its products, giving a 2-year corporate warranty for the entire range.
  • quality

    The only Russian manufacturer of power tools that has received official international recognition.
  • experience

    For almost 15 years in a row, the products of the INTERSKOL trademark have remained the most popular and in demand in Russia.

Information Board INTERSKOL

Learn more about our products INTERSKOL.
  • INTERSKOL product catalog изготовителя ИНТЕРСКОЛ
    INTERSKOL product catalog


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